Mobile security is a set of methods to protect data on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It is another type of Internet security.

How to know if your phone is tapped
Smartphones can be subject to eavesdropping, especially as a result of hacking or root access. Tapping allows attackers to listen to your phone conversations and read your messages. Signs such as unusual background noise during calls, rapid drainage of the phone’s battery, and strange device behavior may indicate that your phone has been tampered with.

If your phone spontaneously turns on and off, and if there are applications on it that you didn’t install, it may indicate that someone else has access to your phone. Strange text messages containing a set of distorted letters and numbers, and higher-than-normal phone bills can also be signs that your phone has been tapped.

For more tips on mobile security, see this article.

What is phone number spoofing and how do I fight it?
Phone number spoofing is commonly used by cybercriminals trying to convince the user that the information comes from a reliable source. They deliberately falsify the caller’s displayed number to make it look like a call from a local number or a number known to the user.

To stop phone number spoofing, find out if your cell phone carrier has a service or app to identify and prevent spam calls. You can also use third-party applications such as RoboKiller or Nomorobo to filter calls, but they require you to provide personal information.

It is best not to answer calls from unknown numbers. It is also not recommended to answer fraudulent calls, because then the scammers perceive you as a potential victim.

How to remove spyware applications from your phone
If you see signs of spyware apps on your smartphone, check the installed apps. Uninstall any apps that you’re not sure are reliable or don’t remember installing.

Updating your phone’s operating system and more drastic measures, such as factory resetting your phone, may also help. Although these actions may cause some inconvenience, it is recommended to perform them if you think your phone has been compromised.

You can use Kaspersky Internet for Android to detect and remove viruses and malware from Android phones. A detailed article on how to remove viruses from Android devices, explains how to do it manually.